ISSR molecular markers were applied to analyze the genetic polymorphism of 30 sugarcane clones. The results showed that the genetic similarity coefficient among the selected sugarcane germplasm materials were between 0.375-1.000. Those between sugarcane cultivars and Saccharum officinarum were 0.850-0.950, indicating close consanguinity. Those between sugarcane cultivars and Saccharum spontaneum L. were 0.525-0.675, indicating some consanguinity. Those between sugarcane cultivars and Saccharurn arundinaceum were 0.375-0.525, indicating remote consanguinity (as a matter of fact, all the cultivars used in the experiment is not the descendants of Saccharum arundinaceum). The genetic similarity coefficient among the 23 cultivars were 0.725-1.000, indicating close kinship and narrow genetic diversity, and therefore multiple wild germplasm should be introduced into cane hybrids in the future breeding. The cluster analysis on the level of genetic similarity coefficient of 0.720 classified the 30 sugarcane germplasm materials into 3 groups: Saccharum officinarum and cultivars, Saccharum spontaneum L., and Saccharum arundinaceum.