卫星测绘技术的进步使得地理信息系统能够提供精确的地图查询服务,同时也给国土安全带来潜在威胁.本文针对已有空间数据访问控制模型中存在的根据访问结果进行敏感信息推理的问题,提出PPR-RBAC(a Privacy-Preserved RBAC for Raster data).该模型在RBAC模型的基础上,提出伪装客体的概念,采用数据伪装技术,将敏感客体扩展为真实客体和伪装客体;定义客体激活的方法,建立用户对真实客体和伪装客体的访问控制机制.最后,形式化证明PPR-RBAC模型的基本安全定理,为模型在地理信息系统中的应用奠定基础.
Due to the fact that GIS(Geographic Information System) could provide high-resolution image with commercial observation satellites,this commercial availability of unprecedented and timely information and images of the earth poses significant threats to national security.Since existing access control models could not avoid the information inference according to the authorization results,a privacy-preserved RBAC for Raster Data is proposed,in PPR-RBAC,fake objects are made to protect sensitive raster objects,and authorization mechanisms are contributed for user to access sensitive raster objects by sensitive object activation.In conclusion,PPR-RBAC is formally proved to be safe and it lays the groundwork for the security deployment of PPR-RBAC in GIS.