The SNP haplotype assembly problem is to reconstruct a maximally consistent pair of haplotypes by removing errors from a set of SNP fragments of one individual's DNA. There are several models for the problem: Minimum Fragment Removal(MFR)problem,Minimum SNP Removal(MSR) problem, and Minimum Error Correction (MEC)problem. Complexity and practical algorithms for the first two problems have been studied by several authors. The third problem has been proved to be NP-complete,but there are few practical algorithms for it. In this paper,a branch and bound algorithm to solve the MEC problem for globally optimal solutions is given. And this algorithm is used to illustrate biological rationality of MEC model according to computational results based on real data,i, e. ,under certain conditions the haplotypes generated through minimum number of error correction are indeed the real haplotypes. Since the branch and bound algorithm can not solve the large size problems within acceptable time, two algorithms based on dynamic clustering for MEC problem are given to obtain approximately-optimal solutions. Numerical experiments show that the algorithms are very last and have so good performance that they can find good solutions. Since MEC is an NP-hard problem,these algorithms are effective and practical.