The distribution model of n-alkanes in modern ligneous plants was analysed with GC on eight arbor species and three shrub species collected in the western loess plateau.The arbor species showed heavy-molecularweight (HMW) homologues of the n-alkane distribution with the main peak being C 27 or C 29,while three of the shrub species showed HMW homologue distributions with the main peak of C 29.And the rest two species showed HMW homologue distributions with the main peak of C 31.The arbor plant leaves with the distribution of normal alkanes produced research results that were consistent with those of the woody plants in sediments and there existed certain differences for shrub plant leaves.In the research area,three kinds of conifer showed that the C 31 content was opposite to each other,but still with C 29 peaks,and that the wood plants had the main peak of C 29 but not C 31.