采用非结构动网格方法对含多介质的流场进行数值模拟。采用改进的弹簧方法来处理由于边界运动而产生的网格变形。采用基于格心的有限体积方法求解守恒型的ALE(Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian)方程,控制面通量的计算采用HLLC(Hartern,Lax,van Leer,Contact)方法。采用几何构造的方法使空间达到二阶精度,时间离散采用四阶Runge-Kutta方法。物质界面的处理采用虚拟流体方法。本文对含动边界的激波管.水下爆炸等流场进行数值模拟,取得较好的结果。不同时刻界面的位置和整个扩张过程被准确模拟。
Unstructured moving grids are used to simulate compressible multi-material flow fluids. Improved spring method is applied to handle grids' deformation because of their movement. The finite volume method based on cell-center scheme is adopted to solve the ALE (Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian) formulation. The HLLC(Hartern, Lax, van Leer, Contact)method is presented to compute the flux of control face. The algorithm can achieve second-order precision in space by geometric construction method and forth-order in time by Runge-Kutta method. Material interface is treated by ghost fluid method. Problems of shock tube, underwater explosion are simulated and excited results are obtained. The locations of multi-material interface at various times are calculated accurately and the propagating progress of multi-material interface is numerically simulated exactly.