To understand the migratory behavior and physiology of the beet webworm, Loxostege sticticalis L., the population dynamics, major physiological characteristics, and environmental conditions for an immigrant adult population were investigated in Kangbao County through June 17 to 19 of 2012. The number of moths caught by the black-light trap increased from 561 on June 16 to 3 451 on June 17, but dramatically dropped to 1 771 and 118 on June 18 and 19, respectively. Synchronously, the number of moths encountered in the field by 100 paces was 3 000 on June 17 but declined to 60 on June 19, respectively, indicating that the moths emigrated shortly after im- migration. Low relative humidity (RH) was considered as the major cause for the re-emigration of the adults be- cause the ambient RH was only 42% for June 17 to 18. The ovarian development of all females caught was from stage 2 to 4 (larger number indicates more mature ovary). The proportion of females in ovarian development stage 3 decreased while that of stage 4 was significantly increased from 17 to 19. However, the proportion of females in stage 2 and the sex ratio of the moths were insignificantly different during the 3-day period. The mating percent- age of the moths was over 80% and increased daily from 17 to 19. Consequently, the percentage of moths mated on June 19 was significantly greater than that on June 17. Thus, the physiological and environmental characteris- tics of an immigrant and re-emigrant population were demonstrated by these new findings.