Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), a comprehensive medicinal system, is characterized by holistic theory that emphasizes the regulation of the integrity of the human body and the interactions between human individuals and their environments. The diagnostic and therapeutic methods of TCM are based on the differentiation of syndrome (Zheng in Chinese) and the use of herbal formula (Fang-Ji in Chinese). There is an urgent need to develop scientific research methods in accordance with the above characteristics for TCM modernization. In the era of big data and with the rapid progress in systems biology, polypharmacology and bioinformatics, network pharmacology has emerged as a promising drug discovery approach that takes the same view as the theory of TCM. This methodology has explored correlations between drugs and complex diseases from the perspective of the holistic theory and has highlighted the paradigm shift from "one drug, one target" to "network target". Thus, it is an original idea to combine network pharmacology with the modern research of TCM. This paper briefly analyzed and discussed the progress and major scientific challenges in network pharmacology applied to TCM diagnosis and treatment. To promote the development of TCM network pharmacology, several suggestions were also raised.