The discovery of superconductivity in iron pnictides has generated a great deal of research interest, not only in basic physics, but also in the field of applied superconductivity. It has been confirmed that the pnictides have peculiar physical properties including an unconventional pairing mechanism. This brings an opportunity to discover new kind of superconductor with high transition temperature. On the other hand, compare to the cuprate, the iron-based superconductors have a rather high upper critical field (He2) and low anisotropy. These properties are very attractive for practical application. An overview of the development of iron-based supercoaductors is presented in this article. The crystal structure of various iron-based superconductors is presented. At the same time, the fabrication techniques of iron-based tapes and films for "1111", "122", "11" type of pnictide are reviewed. Some promising features such as a high critical current density in tapes and thin films under high magnetic fields have been clarified. Finally, we summarize and compare the features and properties of the pnictide materials with other classical cuprate and MgB~ superconductors.