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  • 期刊名称:地球物理学进展,21(1):1-5,2006
  • 时间:0
  • 分类:P315[天文地球—地震学;天文地球—固体地球物理学;天文地球—地球物理学]
  • 作者机构:[1]中国地震局地震预测研究所,北京100036, [2]浙江大学,杭州310027, [3]中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所,北京100029
  • 相关基金:国家自然科学基金项目(编号:40234038)资助.地震雷达理论方法的论证得到了中国地震局、北京地震局和中国科技大学等等众多单位和研究人员的支持,实验研究数据主要在北京延庆张庄地震台取得,谨致衷心谢忱.
  • 相关项目:首都圈地区的活动构造、地质灾害和成灾机理的研究



It is the frontal research of Earth Science that green artificial source which generates seismic waves propagating underground is used to construct seismic radar. Such method can be used to investigate the structure of the interior of the Earth in large scale. On the early stage of seismology, only seismic waves of natural earthquakes are used to detect the physical properties of the Earth' s interior because an earthquake may release huge amount of energy. The energy released by an earthquake can be equivalent to tens of thousands tons of explosive. The ratio of the seismic signal detected thousands of kilometers away over background noise is greater than 1. However, due to of the limited occurring frequency of natural earthquakes and the uncertainty of hypocenter location, the resolution of its investigation is restricted. Thereafter, seismic exploration survey using artificial sources develops quickly, and the surveying resolution is greatly improved. Because the energy of artificial sources is comparably small, the generated signals can only be detected in very limited scale. Nowadays, study on using small source to get distant information in large scale plays an important role in developing seismic radar. This is a new field of intercrossing integration between seismology and information science. The technique of encoding and decoding artificial seismic waves may be derived from the developing process of electromagnetic radar in the past half a century. It is sure that seismic radar will greatly promote the development of seismology and its observation.
