Aim. This paper forms a small but essential part of a project supported by NNSFC (National Natural Science Foundation of China). Starting from Ref. 3 by Xiao et al, Refs. 4 and 5 by Liu et al, and Ref. 6 by Rossi et al, it supplies a computationally efficient method needed by the NNSFC project. In the full paper, we explain in some detail the application of the adaptive meshless model to solving elastoplastic contact problems; in this abstract, we just add some pertinent remarks to listing the three topics of explanation. The first topic is: solution to the elasto-plastic contact problem. In this topic, we point out that, in computing the adaptive meshless model, some nodes need to be removed or inserted for the convenience of adaptive analysis. The second topic is: applying the adaptive meshless model to solving the elasto-plastie contact problem. In this topic, we give the method's flow chart and its computing module's schematic, as shown in Fig. 1 in the full paper. The third topic is: numerical examples. In this topic, we apply the adaptive meshless model to solving two numerical examples. (1) the problem of contact between cylinder and plane and (2) the problem of contact between rough surface and plane. Calculated results, shown in Fig. 3 and Table 1 for the first example and Fig. 6 and Table 2 for the second example, show preliminarily that our adaptively refined solutions are about the same in precision as the uniformly refined solutions but are more efficient in that CPU time required is less by about 75-80%.