In order to improve the computational accuracy and efficiency, an adaptive meshless computational system programming for contact mechanics is introduced. The system is used to solve elasto -plastic contact model. The meshless method does not need any mesh information, and the nodes can be moved, inserted and deleted freely. An adaptive element - free Galerkin (EFG) computational system based on the gradient of strain energy for two - dimensional elasto -plastic contact problems is implemented, including principle explanation, arithmetic flowchart. Modularization in software engineering is used for programming realization, and the system takes into account the adaptive change of the influence domain radius, elasto - plastic property of material. By applying the adaptive model, a rigid cylinder contacting with an elastic -plastic plane is analyzed to validate the adaptive meshless computational system. Comparisons of the adaptive refinement solution with the uniform refinement solution are made, and the resuits indicate that the accuracy of the solutions from the adaptive refinement model is satisfactory and the CPU time cost is much less than that for the uniform refinement calculation. The theory and programming foundation for the businesslike development of software system for adaptive meshless analysis are provided.