新疆天文台目前已归档32 290条脉冲星观测数据文件,脉冲星数据检索平台提供南山观测站25 m射电望远镜自2000年以来获得的近300颗脉冲星的观测数据检索服务。数据文件和检索、访问方法符合虚拟天文台标准和协议。介绍了如何利用新疆天文台脉冲星数据检索平台获取数据,如何利用虚拟天文台相关工具对数据进行简单处理,及锥形检索、多约束目标检索方法的使用。
Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory (XAO) Pulsar Data Archive currently provides access to 32,290 data files which have been obtained from observations carried out by Nanshan station 25M radio telescope since the year 2000. Both data files and access methods are compliant with the Virtual Observatory (VO) standards and protocols. This paper provides a tutorial on how to make use of XAO Pulsar Data Archive and how to use VO tools as well as on-line interface to visit this data archive; it also describes the data currently stored in the archive, and presents ways in which data can be searched and downloaded.