外来入侵物种克氏原螯虾(Procambarus clarkii),原产于美国南部和墨西哥北部,20世纪二十年代经由日本传入我国南京郊区,因其对环境适应性强的生物学特性,迅速入侵我国长江中下游诸省市的江河湖泊等自然水体。本文采用3种多元分析方法,对中国大陆地区长江水系、珠江水系、淮河水系、东南沿海水系与台湾省桃园县及原产地美国路易斯安那州纳契托什共12个自然水体克氏原螯虾群体的14个形态比例性状进行形态差异性分析。聚类分析结果和主成分散布图显示,台湾桃园县与美国路易斯安那州纳契托什2个克氏原螯虾群体首先聚为一类,再与中国大陆地区群体聚为一类。其中中国大陆地区群体趋于分为两类,长江水系中下游干流群体、长江水系鄱阳湖支流群体与珠江水系群体聚为一类,长江水系上游干流群体、长江水系太湖支流群体、长江水系乌江支流群体、长江水系洞庭湖支流群体、淮河水系群体、东南沿海水系群体聚为一类。主成分分析中,雌性群体前4个主成分贡献率依次为31.518%、23.382%、15.823%、8.767%;累积贡献率79.491%;雄性群体前4个主成分贡献率依次为30.396%、23.407%、16.344%、9.665%,累积贡献率为79.811%。对中国大陆地区、台湾地区和美国路易斯安那州群体的判别分析中,雌性群体判别准确率为75.0%~84.0%,综合判别率为82.1%;雄性群体判别准确率为75.0%~86.8%,综合判别率为86.6%。研究结果表明,不同自然水体中的克氏原螯虾群体存在一定的种内不同群体间外部形态差异,该差异主要集中存在于头胸部和腹部的若干性状指标上,可能是因栖地自然水体的不同生态环境因素所导致。
Procambarus clarkii is native in southern USA and northern Mexico. In the 1920 s,P. clarkii was introduced to suburb of Nanjing city in China by Japan. Due to its potent environmental adaptation of inva- sive biological characteristics, it is widely distributed in various natural reservoirs such as lakes, rivers, creeks and streams in those provinces along the middle and lower Yangtze river. In this paper,with 3 meth- ods of multivariate analysis, 14 morphological properties parameters of 12 P. clarkii groups of different natural water reservoirs were analyzed, and specimens were collected from the Yangtze river, Pearl river,Huaihe river, southeast coastal water system of China mainland,Taoyuan county of China Taiwan and its origin Natchitoches in Louisiana of N. America. Cluster analyzing results and scatter diagram of principal component showed that the populations from Taoyuan Taiwan and Natchitoches of N. America converge a common cluster firstly, then the group of mainland China joined to the previous common cluster. Those groups from mainland China could be divided into two categories; one category includes the groups cover the area of middle and lower reaches of Yangtze river,Poyang lake and Pearl river; the other one included groups from the area of the upper reaches of Yangtze River, Tai lake, Wujiang river, Dongting lake and Huaihe river, southeast coastal water system. As principal component analysis, the contribution rates of first four principal components in female group were 31. 518% ,23. 382%, 15. 823% ,8. 767% respectively, while 79. 491% for accumulating contribution rate; for the ones of that in male group,were 30. 396% ,23. 407% ,16. 344% ,9. 665% respectively,while 79. 811% for accumulating contribution rate. Discriminant a- nalysis with groups of mainland China, Taiwan of China and Louisiana of N. America revealed that the i- dentification accuracy of female was 75.0 % -84.0 % and the integrated discriminant accuracy was 82.1%. On contrast,the one of male was 75.0%-86.8% and the integrated d