以雌雄异株植物葎草(Humulus scandens L.)为材料,通过优化扩增体系中的退火温度、Mg2+浓度及模板浓度等主要影响因素,利用简单重复序列间扩增标记对其雌雄株性别的基因组差异进行研究。结果表明,62条ISSR引物中有40条引物能扩增出稳定的条带,共产生302条带。引物I64扩增出1条雄性连锁标记,经克隆测序,该片段长度为553 bp,AT含量为64.3%,根据测序结果设计特异引物,将该标记转化为稳定性更好的SCAR标记。
The sex differences in Humulus scandens were studied by using inter-simple sequence repeat(ISSR) technique.40 primes from total 62 primers could produce stable bands,and amplified 302 bands.A male-linked fragment with about 553 bp was amplified by I64 primer which was abundant in AT(64.3%).Then the male-linked marker was converted into SCAR marker.