[目的]分析农业供给侧结构性改革背景下我国秸秆资源产出与利用的变动趋势,就如何以农业供给侧结构性改革为契机促进我国秸秆资源利用提出对策与建议。[方法]利用试验数据检索和定量计算的方法,重点从种植业结构调整、现代种业创新、轮作休耕等任务着手,分析农业供给侧结构性改革对我国秸秆资源与利用产生的影响。[结果]以"镰刀弯"地区玉米结构调整为主要内容的种植业结构调整达到2020年规划期目标时,较2015年可减少玉米秸秆产出1 501万t,同时可为地区畜牧业发展提供青贮玉米等优质饲料、且玉米全株青贮通过养殖粪污得以过腹还田;若通过作物育种技术将水稻的经济系数提高0.03,可减少水稻秸秆产出1 360万t;实行耕地轮作休耕能够减少区域秸秆供应量,且随着轮作休耕试点面积的不断扩大,其减少秸秆产出的作用将持续增强。[结论]推进农业供给侧结构性改革,有望减少"无效秸秆"产出,减轻秸秆处置压力,促进秸秆综合利用,推动解决"小秸秆"带来的"大问题"。未来应在保证粮食安全的前提下,积极推进农业结构调整,转变发展方式,因地制宜调减"高产秸秆"作物改种"低产秸秆"或"零秸秆"作物;在充分发挥作物经济产量潜力的同时,通过积极培育和推广"低产秸秆"型作物品种、优化"低产秸秆"型高产栽培模式等途径控制作物秸秆产量。
This paper analyzed the fluctuation of straw resources yield and the change of straw resources utilization pattern in the context of agricultural supply-side structural reform,and then put forward some countermeasures and suggestions on improving the utilization ratio of straw in the future,such as adjustment of planting structure focused on the crop of corn,pilot of fallow and crop rotation and the innovation of modern seed industry.The planting structure adjustment referred to the corn planting structure adjustment in the Rocker Region.The straw yield of this region will be decreased 15.01 million tons in 2020 comparing to 2015.If the rice economic coefficient can be improved from 0.50 to 0.53 in 2020,the rice straw yield of China will be decreased 13.60 million tons than 2015.The method of disposing the straws by returning straight to the fields or burning will be changed after the corn plantation being adjusted to silo corn.The useless straw will be reduced and straw utilization ratio will be increased by promoting the agricultural supply-side structural reform.It put forward that it should promote the agricultural structure adjustment and transform the agricultural development mode actively in the future under the premise of the food security,reduce the amount of land available for the high straw yield crop like corn,increase the planting of the crop with no straw like forage grass or low straw yield crop like potato and vegetable,transform from high straw yield crop such as wheat,corn planting to horticultural plants,fruits,traditional Chinese medicinal crop and vegetables etc.And the crop variety breeding of low-yield straw should be cultivated and popularized under the premise of good economic yield so that less straw and more grain will be produced,or use the high yielding culture mode to reduce the straw output ratio.