研究绣球菌(Sparassis crispa)栽培的最佳培养温度、含水量和栽培袋装料量。结果表明:绣球菌C菌丝生长的最适温度为22~24℃,栽培料最适含水量为65%,每袋装料量为900g产量最高。
Mycelial growth rates of Sparassis crispa on potato dextrose agar were maximal over the temperature range 22-24 ℃. Mushroom fruit body yields were highest when the water content of the cultivation substrate (consisting of 76% sawdust, 18% wheat bran, 2% corn meal, l. 5% sucrose, 1.5% gypsum, 1% calcium superphosphate) was ~65% and the loading capacity was 900 g/bag.