Groundwater is an important water resource in Henan Province. 19 items were chosen as the evaluation factors, which are Fe, Mn, Cu ,Zn, Hg, As, Cd, Cr6^+ , Pb, Ni and so on. Based on the monitoring data, the groundwater environmental quality in He' nan Province was analyzed by the way of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation,method of "voting down by only one vote" and international F value method. On the basis of aforementioned work, the evaluation results showed that the phreatic water in He' nan Province is mainly in Class Ⅱ of national groundwater quality standard. 54 percent and 4 percent of water in total He' nan Province area belong to Class Ⅱ and Class Ⅲ, respectively. The factors causing the pollution of groundwater were also studied and the key items restricted groundwater quality were SO4^2- , Cl^- , Fe, Mn, total dissolved solids(TDS) ,total hardness of water, NO3^- and NO2^-. Finally the causes of formation of water quality were briefly analyzed.