For some load bus, the whole power system can be equivalent to a two bus system with source voltage supplying a load though a transmission line, as seem from the load bus at any time. An on-line voltage stability index has been presented considering induction motor loads based on the equivalent simple system. The on-line small disturbance voltage stability index can be easily calculated using the voltage phasor of equivalent source voltage and impedance from real time equivalence. The minimum value of all load bus index values can be looked as the voltage stability index of the whole power system. Correspondingly, the load bus with minimum value of the index is the weakest load bus. The distance between the index value and the critical value of 0 indicates the margin of voltage stability. The results of EPRI-36 system show that the validity and accuracy of the index. The voltage stability index avoids the inaccuracy of load flow model based indices and can be used to real time monitoring of power system voltage stability.