关于青藏高原和周边山地第四纪冰川作用及其气候响应存在不同观点.一些学者认为老冰期主要发生在氧同位素奇数阶段;MIS 3和早全新世存在规模较大的冰川前进;南亚季风对青藏高原冰川作用起主导作用(水汽驱动).另一些学者则认为青藏高原冰川作用主要对应于氧同位素偶数阶段;冰川发育是构造隆升-冰期气候耦合的产物(低温驱动).本文基于现有的陆地生成宇宙核素(TCN)和光释光(OSL)等年代结果总结了不同时间尺度和不同类型冰川波动与气候变化历史的对比,并对几个关键的争议问题做了讨论.结果表明,在不同类型冰川区和不同时间尺度下,冰川作用在湿润期和低温期都有可能发生,但总体上主要与低温相对应.青藏高原冰川对气温的响应似乎更为敏感.MIS 3冰进规模较大可能是降水较多结合冷期(或冷事件)降温所致,显示了印度季风降水和气温波动对高原冰川的共同作用.早全新世冰进也与印度季风和北半球冷事件关系密切.目前的测年数据还没有推翻“冰期发生在氧同位素偶数阶段”这种传统认识.当前急需更多精确的数字定年工作,以不断更新对青藏高原冰期时代及其气候响应机制的了解.
The Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and the surrounding mountains is the most glaciated region outside the polar realm. Understanding the time of Quaternary glaciations and their climatic response is thus very important. However, different views occur on these issues. In this paper, two major different views were introduced and discussed. In the past more than ten years, based on the numerous chronological works including terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide (TCN) beryllium-10 and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating, some scientists suggested that, (1) The glaciations were mostly occurred in the odd marine oxygen isotope stages (MIS). (2) The maximum glacial advance in the last glacial occurred during the MIS 3; and significant glacier advances occurred during the early Holocene. (3) Glacial advances in this region were mainly driven by increased precipitation brought by the intensive Indian summer monsoon. Other scientists considered that glacier advances in this region were corresponding to cold stages ( even MIS stages) or events. Some scientists supposed that glaciations in this high altitude region probably a result of both glacial climate and tectonic uplift. To discuss these issues, the history of glacial fluctuations mainly based on the existing chronologies ( including TCN and OSL ages) was compared with climatic records since the last glacial. Comparisons of glacier and climatic change at a variety of temporal scales (since the last glacial, Holocene, historical period and modern) were carried out. Glaciers in different zones of glacier types (maritime, sub-continental and extreme continental glaciers) were investigated. The results show that glacier advances occurred at both humid and cold periods. But they mainly responded to low temperature. It seems that glaciers in this region were more sensitive to temperature rather than precipitation. For the old glaciations that prior to the last glacial, the larger uncertainties of chronologies do not allow further discu