Yu-Tao Ma was born in 1980. He is now a lecturer of State Key Lab of Software Engineering (SKLSE) at the Wuhan University as well as a post-doctor researcher of the Institute of Electronic System Engineering. He received the Ph.D. degree from the Wuhan University in 2007 and his M.S. and B.S. degrees from the Wuhan University of Science andTechnology in 2004 and 2001, all in computer science. His current research interests include software metrics, software evolution and the interdisciplinary research between software engineering and complex networks. Ke-Qing He was born in 1947. He is now a full professor of SKLSE and the director of Software Engineering Institute (SEI) at the Wuhan University. He received his Ph.D. degree in computer science from the Hokkaido University in 1995 and the B.S. degree in mathematics from the Wuhan University in 1970. His research interests include software in-frastructure, software engineering based on complex systems, requirements engineering and software engineering technical standards. Bing Li was born in 1969. He is now a full professor of SKLSE at the Wuhan University. He worked as a post-doctor researcher in SKLSE from 2003 to 2005. He received his Ph.D., M.S. and B.S. degrees from the Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) in 2003, 1997 and 1990, respectively. His research interests include networked software, service-oriented software engineering, complex systems and complex networks, and cloud computing. Jing Liu was born in 1979. She is now an associate professor of SKLSE at the Wuhan University. She was a visiting scholar at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University from 2007 to 2008. She received her Ph.D., M.S. and B.S. degrees from the Wuhan University in 2007, 2004 and 2001, respectively, all in computer science. Her research interests include soft-ware engineering and complex networks. Xiao-Yan Zhou was born in 1986. She is now a Master's candidate of SKLSE at the Wuhan University. She received her B.S. degree in software engineering from