A 2 × 2 complete diallel cross between two populations of pearl oyster, Pinctada martensii, from Indian (II0) and Chinese Sanya (SSo) was carried out and four groups of offspring, II1 (II0 ♀ × II0 ♂), IS1 (II0 ♀× SS0♂), SI1 (SS0 ♀ × II0♂), and SS1 (SS0 ♀ × SS0 ♂), were produced. Hybrid IS1 and SI1 showed heterosis in shell height (SH), shell length (SL), hinge length (HL), shell width (SW), and shell weight (SWT). IS1 had heterosis in shell width index (SWI), but not in total weight (TW) and shell weight index (SWTI), while IS1 had heterosis in total weight and shell width index, but not in shell weight index. SIl exhibited significantly larger heterosis in SH, SL, HL, and TW than ISl (P〈0.01), but significantly smaller in SW (P〈0.01). Six selected microsatellite markers were used to analyze four lines of progeny. The results reveal that the FST was 0.375 and the average numbers of alleles were in the order of SI1(6.17) 〉 IS1(6.00) 〉 II1(5.00) 〉 SS1(4.67); the average allelic richness per locus was SI1(5.34) 〉 IS1(5.04) 〉 II1(4.47) 〉 SS1(4.55); the average expected heterozygosities (He) were IS1(0.55) 〉 SI1(0.54) 〉 SS1(0.44) 〉 II1(0.42); and the observed heterozygosities (H0) were SI1(0.52) 〉 IS1(0.46) 〉 SS1(0.35) 〉 II1(0.29), indicating that the cross increased heterozygosity and genetic diversity, and directly brought about heterosis. As a whole, the cross between female Sanya wild population and male Indian cultured population promised more potential for pearl oyster breeding scheme, or POBs.