柞蚕是一类以柞树叶为食料的经济类吐丝结茧昆虫,柞蚕微孢子是寄生在柞蚕体内的一种微孢子虫,是柞蚕微粒子病的病原,其主要通过食下传染或者母体传染来感染柞蚕。目前在分子水平上对柞蚕微孢子虫的研究还很少,本研究通过比较分析四种常见的de novo组装软件对柞蚕微孢子虫全基因组的组装,结果显示不同的软件组装的结果相差甚远,由此表明由于柞蚕基因组本身结构的特殊性及组装软件的针对性,导致了组装质量的差异性。本研究对于今后昆虫微孢子虫基因组的组装软件的选择优化提供了重要的参考。
The wild silkworm,Antheraea pernyi Guerin-Meneville,is primarily distributed in China and,to some extent,in Japan and India.Nosema antheraeae is an intracellular parasite that is highly infectious to A.pernyi through vertical transmission from the mother host to their progenies.However,so far,few studies have been involved in deciphering the cause of this disease at the molecular level.In this study,we utilized four de novo genomic assembly softwares to assemble the full-sequenced genome of N.antheraeae,and compared their assemble quality.Our results showed that Velvet should be the most appropriate de novo assemble software for the N.antheraeae,which offers a reference for further microsporidia Nosema assembling.