EI Nino事件可根据其建立时间分为春季型(SPEN)和夏季型(SUEN)。本文使用NCEP的位势高度、纬向风数据和Hadley中心的海温数据,分析了SPEN和SUEN对南亚高压(SAH)季节变化的影响。结果表明SAH对SPEN和SUEN的响应有显著差异。与SUEN相比,SPEN的影响下的SAH在6月份北移的速度较慢.而在10月份SPEN影响下的SAH向东南运动的速度更快。即SPEN的影响下的SAH生命周期较SUEN影响下的SAH更短。另外,与SUEN相比,SPEN影响下的SAH在7月和9月更倾向于青藏高原模态。
EI Nino (EN) episodes can be classified based on their time of onset as spring onset EN (SPEN) events and summer onset EN (SUEN) events. To evaluate the different influences of SPEN and SUEN events on the South Asian high (SAH), this study compared the seasonal evolution of the SAH (SESAH) associated with SPEN and SUEN events through analysis of geopotential height and zonal wind data derived from NCEP-NCAR Reanalysis-1 and sea surface temperature data obtained from the Hadley Center. The main features of the SESAH during an EN event are similar to its climatological characteristics. Climatologically, the SAH forms in May, strengthens, and moves northwestward in June and July. It does not change much in August, but then it returns south and weakens during September and October. However, its lifespan is shorter and its intensity weaker during EN periods. Furthermore, there are significant differences between the SESAH during SPEN and SUEN events. During a SPEN episode, the movement of the SAH to the northwest during May and June is slower than during a SUEN event, i.e. the SPEN SAH has a shorter lifespan. In comparison with the SUEN SAH, the SPEN SAH in July and September tends more towards the Tibetan high mode rather than the Iranian high mode. The SPEN SAH in October moves southeastward faster than the SUEN SAH, which also indicates that the SAH has a shorter lifespan during a SPEN event than during a SUEN episode.