花青苷生物合成由一系列结构基因编码的酶催化完成,而结构基因的表达受MYB、bHLH 和WD40 这3 类转录因子组成的MBW(MYB-bHLH-WD40)转录复合体的协同调控。花青苷合成的转 录调控研究最先在30 多年前见于玉米、拟南芥和矮牵牛等模式植物,近年来在肉质果实上也取得了重要 进展。在介绍果实花青苷的种类、分布与功能的基础上,回顾了MYB、bHLH、WD40 这3 类转录因子 的基本特性及其在花青苷合成调控中的作用,进而就MBW 转录复合体协同调控果实花青苷生物合成的 机制研究的近年进展进行了综述。
Anthocyanins are biosynthesized through a series of enzymes with the transcript levels of their encoding genes commonly regulated by the MBW transcription complex containing MYB,bHLH and WD40 transcription factors. The transcriptional regulation of anthocyanin biosynthesis has been studied in model plants,such as maize,Arabidopsis and petunia,since 30 years ago,and great progresses have been made in fleshy fruits as well in recent years. After briefly introducing general knowledge on classes, distribution and functions of anthocyanins,the characteristics and roles of MYB,bHLH and WD40 TFs in the regulation of anthocyanin biosynthesis,as well as the advances in mechanisms involved for transcriptional regulation of anthocyanin biosynthesis by MYB-bHLH-WD40 transcription complex in fleshy fruits were reviewed.