By simulating the dynamic and structural characteristics of water eddies in a limited area, the paper analyzed the functions of impact factors like non-uniform wind field, water jet current, their super- position, environmental boundary, Coriolis force and etc. The eddies generated by wind fields are of lar- ger size and deeper depth. Cyclone is of concave surface and anticyclone is of convex surface. The ed- dies generated by water jet appear on both sides of the jet and accord with the jet thickness. Their size is smaller and thickness is shallower, but their flow and strength are stronger. Topographic boundary plays a guiding role in the movement of eddy. The Coriolis force in the Northern Hemisphere is beneficial for the enhancement of negative eddy. Meantime the potential function presenting convergence and diver- gence of eddies for cyclone is stronger than that for anticyclone. It is more effective to cause the vertical upward motion for cyclone than to cause the downward motion for anticyclone. When non-uniform wind field overlapped water jet, the number of eddies increase, their size decreases and their patterns at bottom are of more obvious difference from those on the surface layer. There are many types of eddy structures:for some the whole layer is consistent;for some others consistency only existence on the up- per layer;for still some others the upper and lower circulations reverse, etc;The eddies generated by wind field are mainly barotropic, the eddies forced by water jet are manly baroclinic. In kinetic energy exchange, it happens that the barotropic kinetic energy transforms into baroclinic kinetic energy at baro- tropic eddy area, and the barotropic kinetic energy transforms into baroclinic kinetic energy at baroclinic eddy area. Both kinetic energy transformations are beneficial for the maintenance of the two kinds of eddies.