页岩的吸附解吸行为是页岩气藏含气量评价和高效开发的基础.利用自主研发的页岩气高温高压吸附实验装置,对四份鄂尔多斯盆地南部延长组页岩样品进行了高温高压吸附实验,得到了四份样品65℃下、最高压力达25 MPa的吸附等温线.采用修正的朗格缪尔(Langmair)模型对吸附等温线进行拟合,并对拟合结果进行分析.研究表明:页岩样品具有较高的吸附气能力,饱和吸附量为0.04~0.14 mmoL/g.采用修正的朗格缪尔模型可以较好地拟合页岩高压吸附等温线,拟合系数达0.99以上.页岩有机碳含量与吸附气量具有正相关性,有机碳含量越高,吸附气量越大.未发现黏土含量与吸附气量的关系.
The knowledge of adsorption and desorption behavior of shales is the basement of evaluation of original gas in place and efficient exploitation.High-pressure and high-temperature adsorption measurement were performed on four shale samples which came from Yanchang group,south of Ordos Basin using experimental set-up which were established independently.Adsorption isotherms of methane on four shale samples were obtained at pressure up to 25 MPa and the temperature of 65 ℃ . Adsorption isotherms were fitted by adjusted Langmuir model and the fitting parameters were also analysed.Results show that,the shale samples have high adsorption capacity with saturation adsorption ranging from 0.04 to 0.14 mmol/g.The adjusted Langmuir model fitted the high pressure adsorption isotherms well,and the fitting coefficients are all bigger than 0.99.The TOC is positive related to adsorption capacity,whereas there is no relationship between clay minerals and adsorption capacity.