无线监测网络中多电台监测节点通过捕捉和分析无线用户的通信数据,可以达到监测网络行为、诊断网络故障和管理网络资源的目的,而为多电台监测节点优化选择工作信道、最大化捕获数据量、获得最佳网络监测质量(quality of monitoring,QoM)是一个关键问题。文章研究了一种基于同步微扰随机近似(SPSA)的信道选择算法。该算法在迭代过程中以随机扰动策略得到目标函数的近似梯度,引导搜索过程逐步逼近最优解;适合于复杂的多维优化问题求解,收敛速度快、复杂度低。实验结果表明,该算法可以实现无线监测网络中多电台监测节点的信道优化选择,并且性能优良。
In wireless monitoring networks, multi-radio wireless sniffers are distributed for capturing and analyzing user activities in order to realize network monitoring, fault diagnosis, resource management and so on. Therefore, it is a key topic to optimize the channel selection for sniffers to maximize the information collected, so as to maximize the quality of monitoring(QoM). In this paper, a simul- taneous perturbation stochastic approximation(SPSA)-based solution is proposed in order to realize optimal channel selection. During iteration process,the random perturbation strategy is used to compute the approximate gradient of the objective function, which can lead the searching to the optimal solution. The algorithm is fast in convergence and low in complexity. The results of comparison experiments demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can realize the multi-channel selection in wireless monitoring networks with high QoM.