Micro CT系统是近几年发展起来的具有极高空间分辨率和探测灵敏度的一种成像技术,专门用于对小动物进行成像,并被广泛应用于药物开发,肿瘤检测.Micro CT的这种高分辨率使存在于CT中的混叠伪影在Micro CT中更为突出,成为影响图像质量,降低图像分辨率的主要因素.本文模拟分析了伪影产生的机理,并提出了一种直接对重构的切片图进行伪影分析及消除的算法,能快速有效的消除Micro CT切片图像里的混叠伪影,伪影消除率达70%以上,并且使图像的对比度提高.
Micro CT system is a recently developed imaging technique for small animal,which have very high spatial resolution and sensitivity,and is widely used in drug development,cancer detection et al.But in Micro CT,the artifact,specially the aliasing artifact,become serious as the extremely high spatial resolution,which is the major degeneration of image quality.In this paper,we studied the cause of artifact,and simulated it in computer.Finally,we proposed an algorithm to reduce the artifact in CT slice,with artifact elimination rate of 70% or more,and the improved image contrase