利用广州市人口普查街道(部分居委会)数据总结1990-2000年外来人口居住隔离的时空特征:隔离程度呈增加趋势,核心和外围区隔离程度及变化差异大,散点状为主的空间模式,并呈现异质性和非稳定性的社会特征。通过典型社区间卷访谈,对比外来人口与户籍低收入人口,建构影响因素的逻辑回归(Logistic regression)模型,显示户籍的属地差别是产生隔离的根本原因,与户籍属地管理相关的劳动力市场分割和住房政策共同构成了排斥的制度环境,限制了外来人口的住房选择。把其推向低端私人租房市场。在有限的居住选择下,交通和经济等个体择居要素影响了隔离空间的分布和社会特征,以城中村为代表低端私人租房来源的布局特征决定并固化了隔离空间的分布模式。
With the rapid reform of both the economic system and social structure in China, floating population has become one of the hottest research topics in the disciplines like geography, sociology, demography, urban planning, etc. There lacks research on residential segregation of floating population. The paper aims to summarize the spatial-temporal characteristics in the past ten years and driving forces of residential segregation of floating population. Firstly, as Guangzhou a case, using the fouth and fifth census data, the paper summarizes spatial-temporal characteristics of residential segregation of floating population. In the past ten years the indices of segregation increased not only on urban scale but also on district scale. There exists a distinct differentiation in urban area, and the indices of outer-areas are greater than those of inner-areas. The spatial pattern of residential segregation of floating population can be identified as multi which disperse in urban area. Because floating population often change their accommodation, the social structure of segregated residential areas is unstable. Secondly, when talking about the driving forces of special distribution and housing of floating population, registration system (hukou system) is the most important factor. There exits "locality and non-locality" and "rural and urban" differentiation of hukou system. In former papers and publication, researchers paid more attention on "rural and urban" differentiation. In this reaserch, the author did 490 questionnaires in three typical neighbourhoods of floating population and three typical neighbourhoods of registrated low-income population. By logistic regression, the paper argues that the "locality and non-locality" of hukou system is much more important than other factors. Without local hukou, the floating population works in the lowest level of labour force markt with low-income and they almost have no insurance. There are lack of housing provision and other social benefits, especially t