针对卫星轨道上的空间环境辐射引起电子元器件参数退化问题,为了研究光电器件空间辐射效应、损伤机理以及参数退化规律,对某国产埋沟科学级电荷耦合器件(charge-coupled devices, CCD)进行了10 MeV质子辐照试验、退火试验及辐射效应理论模型研究。试验过程中重点考察了器件的暗信号和电荷转移效率特性的变化。试验结果表明,器件的主要性能参数随着质子辐照注量的增大明显退化,在退火过程中这些参数均有不同程度的恢复。通过对CCD敏感参数退化规律及其与器件工艺、结构的相关性进行分析,并根据半导体器件辐射效应理论,推导了器件敏感参数随质子辐照注量变化的理论模型,得到了暗信号及电荷转移效率随辐照注量退化的半经验公式。上述工作可为深入开展CCD抗辐射性能预测、抗辐射工艺改进与结构优化提供重要参考。
A sort of homemade buried scientific charge-coupled device (CCD) is injected by 10 MeV protons, and measurements are carried out primarily on change of dark signal, charge transfer e?ciency. Results show that parameters of CCD presented significantly decrease. Post-irradiation annealing is implemented and the results revel that CCD parameters recover to different extents. In this paper, analysed are the mechanism for the decrease of CCD parameters, and their dependences on process and structure in manufacture. The results above will provide helpful reference in characterization evaluation and technique development of future CCD.