Zeng Delu was born in 1980. He is a Ph.D. candidate in intelligent information and signal processing group in Electronic &: Information Engineering. His research interests indude machine learning, ar- tificial intelligence, and their applications in image processing. E-mail:donald_scut@yahoo.com.cn Zhou Zhiheng was born in 1977. He is an associate professor specializing in machine learning, artificial intelligence, image processing and image & video transmission. E-mail: zhouzh@scut.edu.cn Xie Shengli was born in 1958. He received the M.S. degree in mathematics from Central China Normal University in 1992 and the Ph.D. degree in control theory and applications from South China University of Technology in 1997. He is presently a full professor with the South China University of Technology and a vice-head of the Institute of Automation and Radio Engineering. His research interests include automatic control and blind signal processing. He is the author or coauthor of two books and more than 70 scientific papers in journals and conference proceedings. E-maih adshlxie@scut.edu.cn