通过对批量隐写的定性分析,提出了增大批量隐写容量的方法。对大容量图像的位平面进行等分分块,采用矩阵编码技术,证明了至多修改像素的1 LSB位能够嵌入2 bit隐秘信息的结论,提升了批量隐写容量,并给出了安全性分析。最后结合隐秘信息的嵌入和提取算法,以航拍图为隐写载体进行实验,验证了算法的有效性。
According to the definition of batch steganography and the properties of security,this paper presented a method to increase capacity for batch steganography.By dividing up bit-plane of large images and matrix coding,it proved that,a given image block could embed 2 bit by changing at most 1 bit in pixel,and enlarging embedding capacity.Besides analyed security of algorithm and gave embedding and extracting algorithm.The result of experiments shows that the new method of batch steganography for capacity increasing is reasonable.