To overcome shortcoming of center node communication bottleneck constraints and fault tolerance in centralized tar- get tracking and hierarchical object tracking, the paper presented a distributed dynamical consensus nonlinear target tracking strategy. The target state was initialized by the weighted least squares method. The entire tracking process implement dynami- cal clustering strategy, the tasking nodes were selected dynamically and woke up for detection of moving target. Then tasking sensors implement distributed extended Kalman filtering strategy for state estimates, the rest nodes turned into sleep in order to reduce the energy consumption of the system. Compared with central target tracking algorithm from two aspects through simula- tion, i.e. tracking error and energy consumption, the results show that the tracking accuracy is comparable. It is suitable for high reliability nonlinear tracking. In addition, state estimates is completed in distributed manner that nodes only need to ex- change data with their neighbors, it can eliminate the bottleneck of the central node in central structure, in order to ensure that the damage of part sensor nodes will not affect the comoletion of the global task.