The recent researches of active faults related to the north segment of the eastern boundary of GTSR (the great triangular seismotectonic region of Central Asia) , including the north part of the North-South Seismic Belt and central Mongolia,are summarized based on their geological background and seismic activities at present. The north segment of the eastern boundary of the GTSR is composed by a series of terminal structures,lateral structures of large sinistral strike-slip faults, and transtension- al graben fault systems between the large sinistral strike-slip faults. From south to north,the fault sys- tems,which compose the north segment of the eastern boundary of GTSR, include : ( 1 ) Liupanshan ar- cuate fault zone, which is the eastern terminal compression structure of the Haiyuan Fault zone and Zhongwei-Tongxin Fault zone; (2)Zhuozishan-Helanshan Fault system, which is a transtensional gra- ben fault systems between the Zhongwei-Tongxin Fault zone and the Yabulaishan-Bayanxiboshan Fault zone; (3)Langshan-Sertengshan piedmont fault system, which is the eastern relaxing structure of the Yabulaishan-Bayanxiboshan Fault zone; (4)Dalandzadgad Fault system, which is the eastern termi- nal compression structures of the Gobi-Tienshan Fault zone and Gobi-Altay Fault zone; (5) Mogod Faults system,the possible eastern terminal compressional structures of the North Hangay Fault zone; and (6)Hovsgol rift system, which is the extensional lateral structures of the Tunka Fault zone. The nature of the seismic structures of the north segment of the eastern boundary of the GTSR is the re-ac- tivation of the pre-existing faults that locate beside or on the terminations of giant strike-slip fault zones in the present regional stress field, controlled by the northward pushing of the Indian-Eurasia collision and local upper mantle material flow or significant anisotropies deep in the upper mantle.