In order to explore the propagative characteristics of wireless channel and establish corresponding wireless channel model,in this paper, in view of the "fingerprint" characteristics of wireless channel modeling and recognition problem for the scene, we put forward the modeling method of wireless channel which is based on Unscented Kalman Filter Neural Network(UKFNN). Firstly, we use Karhunen-Loeve(K-L) to deal with channel transmission data,to realize the change of data from complex domain to real domain, and then use Principal Component Analysis(PCA) for data dimension reduction, after getting the dimension-reduced data, UKFNN is applied to build the characteristic model of wireless channel. Lastly, we establish the evaluation index of wireless channel according to the model-based output, and use the evaluation index to classify and recognize different scenes. The simulation results show that the model based on UKFNN can classify and recognize different scenes accurately.