Structural equation modeling is an important method for analyzing multivariate data in the studies of psychology, behavior, management, marketing, etc. The usual regression models are simple cases of structural equation models. Compared with regression models from the view of covariance structural analysis, structural equation models are easier to be understood why they need model-fit testing by using goodness of fit indexes. We introduce the source of fit indexes, methods of model-fit testing and criteria of fit indexes in structural equation models. Our main purpose is to reveal the essence of model-fit testing using some popular fit-indices, including NNFI (Non-normed Fit Index), CFI (Comparative Fit Index), Mc (Measure of Centrality), and RMSEA (Root Mean Square Error of Approximation). It is shown that the criterion of an absolute fit index based on chi-square (e.g., RMSEA, Mc) is to set significance levels (might be much lower than traditional level of 0.05) for chi-square test. According to these comparable significance levels we could know which criterion is harsher to accept the theoretical model. When the degree of freedom is not larger than 32, the theoretical model will be accepted under the criteria of Mc 〉 0.9 if the model is accepted under the criteria of RMSEA 〈 0.08. When the degree of freedom is not less than 33, conversely, the theoretical model will be accepted under the criteria of RMSEA 〈 0.08 if the model is accepted under the criteria of Mc 〉 0.9. Thus RMSEA 〈 0.08 and Mc 〉 0.9 are compensatory criteria for model-fit testing in structural equation modeling. It is also shown that the criterion of a relative fit index is to set a proportion of reduced mean square (the ratio of chi-square to its degree of freedom) from the null model to the theoretical model. The null model is the worst model-fit because all indicators in the null model are set to be uncorrelated each other. Thus, the null model has the largest chi-square and the largest degree of freed