This study mainly investigates the mediating effect and the moderating effect of career competencies in the Job Demands-Resources Model (JDR Model). Career competeneies are a kind of knowledge accumulation (including knowing why, how and whom) which influences employee careers. The basic assumption of the JDR Model is that every work environment is characterized by occupation specific job resources and job demands, and includes two processes for the development of burnout. First, long-term excessive job demands from which employees do not adequately recover may lead to sustained activation and overtaxing, eventually resulting in exhaustion. Second, job resources lead to increased levels of motivation in the tbrm of work engagement (Demerouti, Bakker, Nachreiner, & Schaufeli, 2001). Previous studies have shown that personal resources may act as a mediator in motivational processes, and can stimulate employees' work engagements (Xanthopoulou, Bakker, Demerouti, & Schaufeli, 2007), and may also act as a moderator in health impairment processes, and can reduce burnout. Career eompetencies may be expected to act in a similar way as personal resources in stimulating employees work engagements and reducing emotional exhaustion in the JDR Model (Akkermans, Schaufeli, Brenninkmeijer, & Blonk, 2013). Based on the JDR Model and conservation of resources theory, our focus is to investigate the mediating and the moderating effects of career competencies in the JDR Model. 201 employs were measured with the professional competence measurement scale, the questionnaire of career development, the Job Content questionnaire, the questionnaire on the experience and assessment of work, the MBI - GS Scale and the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale. The Mplus and SPSS were used to analyze the data. The results showed that: (1) Job demands statistically significantly affected emotional exhaustion; and career competencies acted a moderator on the relationship between job demands and emotional exhaustion(β