The ratio of acid volatile sulfide (AVS) to simultaneously extracted metals (SEM) is the key factor affecting the bioavailability and toxicity of heavy metals in anoxic sediments. By analyzing the variation of AVS, SEM and [SEM]/[AVS] of sediment in Nanhai Lake of Baotou city, it was found that the content of heavy metals in sediment of Nanhai Lake increased due to the water pumped from Yellow River, domestic sewage, municipal run-off and yacht waste release, thus forming the pattern of heavy metal distribution at present. Water depth increasing, domestic sewage influx and hydrophyte booming made the level of AVS in lake higher on downstream than upstream area. The vertical distribution of AVS in lake sediment core is different from the other fresh water lakes in China. The ratio of [SEM]/[AVS] in the surface and vertical sediment of Nanhai Lake was more less than 1, indicating that the sediment and the water in Nanhai Lake has not been contaminated by heavy metals.