在中国科学院大气物理研究所研制的第三代大洋环流模式(L30T63 OGCM)的基础上,提高模式的水平分辨率,建立了纬向和经向水平分辨率分别为1.5°和1°的较高分辨率的全球大洋环流模式,分析该模式1959年1月~1998年12月的积分结果,以此研究厄尔尼诺事件形成和演变的物理机制。对数值模拟结果的分析表明:西风爆发可引起表层洋流异常,异常的平流作用是海表温度距平形成厄尔尼诺模态的主要原因;表层洋流异常及由其引起的海表高度异常可导致次表层海水垂直输送的异常,异常的垂直输送作用是形成次表层海温距平厄尔尼诺模态的主要原因。
Based on the L30T63 oceanic general circulation model developed by Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, a higher horizontal resolution oceanic general circulation model, with homogeneous 1.5°× 1° horizontal resolution, has been established by enhancing the horizontal resolution of the L30T63. The forming and evolvement mechanism of El Nino have been analyzed by simulated results (from January 1959 to December 1998) of the model. It is shown from the simulated results that the surface anomalous oceanic circulation is caused by the eruption of the westerly wind, as far as the forming of the El Nino mode of the sea surface temperature is concerned, the anomalous advection effect is the primary dynamical reason. The anomalous subsurface vertical and horizontal circulation resulted from the anomalous surface ocean current and the anomalous sea surface elevation is the primary reason for the forming of the El Nino mode of the subsurface sea temperature.