目的 以数据挖掘的方法 分析中药配伍禁忌的组成特点和配伍方式,寻找配伍禁忌特定的属性组和,揭示配伍禁忌部分标志性属性.方法 基于关联规则挖掘的方法 ,从药物的性味归经属性上挖掘药典中的中药配伍禁忌组合与常用药对之间的属性组合差异.结果 部分属性组合如热-肺、热-寒、热-苦、热-甘、胃-热等在配伍禁忌中出现频率很高,而在药对中的出现频率则很低.其他属性组合如肾-肺、心-肺、脾-肺等在配伍禁忌和药对中都出现较多,特异性较差.结论 通过挖掘研究,证明在配伍禁忌组合中存在着特定的性味归经属性组合,与药对存在明显的差异.若用于判别其他可能的配伍禁忌组合还需要进一步研究.
OBJECTIVE To analyze the incompatibility characters and methods of Chinese herbal medicine and look for drug pairs' specific incompatibility property so as to reveal partial and typical property combination of incompatible drug pairs, through data mining method. METHOD The data mining approach based on association rules was applied to explore property combination differences between incompatible drug pairs and common drug pairs through the nature, flavor and channel tropism properties. RESULT Some property combinations such as hot lung, hot-cold, hot-bitter, hot-- sweet,stomach-heat,et al. appeared in incompatible drug pairs with much higher frequencies than others in drug pairs. Some other property combinations such as kidney-lung,heart-lung,spleen-lung, et al. had little specificity in incompatible drug pairs and drug pairs, even with high frequencies. CONCLUSION The specific property combinations of nature, flavor and channel tropism are verified to exist in incompatible drugs pairs, which is evidently different from those of common drug pairs. Further study is required to discern other possible incompatible drug pairs.