In order to improve coal slime flotation efficiency and decrease flotation reagents consumption,the classification,characteristics and application of collector,frother,compound reagents and regulator were introduced.The traditional and new flotation reagents were compared.At last,the development of coal slime flotation reagents were forecasted.The results showed that,the disadvantages of traditional flotation reagent were high consumption and poor dispersibility.Its hydrophobicity and dispersibility could be improved by emulsifying or introducing polar groups.The consumption of natural frother and industrial by- product frother were large,the bubble was fragile,the liquidity was poor.The synthetic frother covered the above shortages.With the frothering and collecting properties,the compound reagent had the advantages of less consumption,faster flotation speed and easier operation,while they had less effects on some coal.At last,the paper pointed out that,the low consumption and cost,high properties,environment friendly flotation reagents were the key of research in the future.