采用PBET(Physiologically Based Extraction Test)、SBET(Simple Bioavailability Extraction Test)和IVG(In Vitro Gastrointestinal)3种讯vitro方法研究采自浙江上虞的4种污染土壤中铅、砷的生物可给性。结果表明,3种方法得到的铅、砷在模拟胃肠液中的溶解度不同,胃阶段,采用SBET方法得到的数值最大,放有食物的IVG方法得到的数值最小;小肠阶段。不添加食物的IVG方法得到的数值最大,放有食物的IVG方法得到的数值最小。3种方法得到的铅、砷在模拟胃肠液中的生物可给性不同。胃阶段,采用SBET方法得到的数值最大,4种土壤中铅的生物可给性分别为89.2%、71.3%,56.2%和43.7%,砷的生物可给性分别为7.4%、6.6%,5.9%和7.4%。放有食物的IVG方法得到的数值最小,4种土壤中铅的生物可给性分别为30.1%、26.9%、18.4%和15.0%.砷的生物可给性分别为3.8%、4.9%、2.8%和3.4%。小肠阶段,不添加食物的IVG方法得到的数值最大。4种土壤中铅的生物可给性分别为13.9%、11.1%、21.8%和7.7%,砷的生物可给性分别为7.1%、7.3%、4.6%和7.3%。放有食物的IVG方法得到的数值最小,4种土壤中铅的生物可给性分别为3.4%、1.7%、4.3%和1.9%,砷的生物可给性分别为3.3%、4.8%、2.8%和2.8%。3种方法使用的条件不同如胃肠溶液成分及其pH是3种方法之间得出的结果差异的主要原因,4种土壤之间的差异则主要是土壤属性差异等原因造成的。
Three in vitro methods, Physiologically Based Extraction Test (PBET), Simple Bioavailability Extraction Test(SBET)and In Vitro Gastrointestinal (IVG) were used to determine the bioaccessibility of lead and arsenic of four pollution soils at small intestinal and gastric phases, respectively. The results showed that concentrations of dissolved lead and arsenic that determined by these three methods were different. Highest concentrations of dissolved lead and arsenic were obtained by the SBET method but the lowest concentrations were observed by the IVG method at the gastric phase. With the IVG method at the small intestinal phase, the highest concentrations of dissolved lead and arsenic were observed without food but the lowest concentrations were obtained with food added in. The bioaccessibility of lead and arsenic in the four polluted soils varied among these three methods. The highest bioaccessibility values were obtained with the SBET method at gastric phase, which were 89.2%, 71.3%, 56.2% and 43.7% for lead, and 7.4%, 6.6%, 5.9% and 7.4% for arsenic, respectively, among the four studied soils. With the IVG method, the lowest bioaccessibility values were derived with food added compared to the other methods in gastric phase. The bioaccessibility values of the four soils were 30.1%, 26.9%, 18.4% and 15.0% for lead, and 3.8%, 4.9%, 2.8% and 3.4% for arsenic, respectively. With the IVG method, the highest bioaccessibility values were conducted among these three methods at small intestinal phase, which were 13.9%, 11.1%,21.8% and 7.7% for lead, and 7.1%,7.3%,4.6% and 7.3% for arsenic, respectively, among these four soils. However, with food added in, the highest bioaccessibility values were obtained with the IVG method at the small intestinal phase, which were 3.4%, 1.7%,4.3% and 1.9% for lead, and 3.3%, 4.8%, 2.8% and 2.8% for arsenic with these four soils, respectively. The main differences in the results of bioaccessibility with the three methods might be attributed to the conditions of applied gastr