Abstract: [Objective] The objective of this study is to investigate the QTL and their chromosomal segments that determine the seed protein content of progeny strains of high-protein and low protein content, which derived from the crosses between high combing-ability cultiver Jidou 12 and three other cultrivers. By accomplishment of these analyses, the results will provide a basis for the use of high-protein breeding. [ Method] High protein germplasm materials with protein content more than 50% were created by backcrossing strategy using Jidou 12 as recurrent parent varieties and three different varieties as donor parents. Four high-protein (50%-53%) strains and three low protein (38%-41%) strains were selected from propeny strains of three backcrosses (Hongfeng 11, Chamoshidou and Suinong 14 as the donor parent of three backcrosses). These strains had the same agronomic traits and had no significant difference with Jidou 12. Differences in QTL loci between progeny strains and Jidoul2 were analyzed by using 209, 201, and 199 polymorphic SSR markers, respectively, in strains from three backcrosses. Degrees in QTL expression and sharing in terms of protein contents among different strains and crosses were investigated. [Result] The high-protein strains had better genetic recovery than that of low protein strains in the same backcross progeny. The similarity coefficient between two high protein strains, Hll6 and Hl17 from Jidoul2 x Chamoshidou, and Jidoul2, were 83.08% and 84.04%, respectively, which was 71.14% higher than that of the low protein strains. The average of similarity coefficient between four high protain strains and Jidoul2 was 79.58%, significantly higher than that of three low protein strains and Jidoul2. Linkage analyses using SSR markers indicated that high-protein lines and low-protein lines had remarkable differences in genetic locations. The major difference was inherited from Jidou 12 , which is 27 % (23 loci) on average. SSR markers were initially linked to 22 genomic regions