The similarity measurement for Web pages is a key issue for Web pages categorization. Effective similarity measurement strategies can efficiently improve the accuracy of Web pages classification. Traditional Vector Space Model (VSM) only uses the frequency of each selected word in the pages, does not make efficient use of the distribution infor- mation such as the average position and bias of the word, hence the method has a great impact on the accuracy of the pa- ges classification. Therefore, in this paper, the means and variances of the words in the document, which are applied into the similarity measurement method, are computed, and a novel method for the similarity measurement of Web pa- ges, that is directly embedded by the distribution information, is present. This approach can effectively improve and ex- tend the classically similarity measurement strategies for Web pages, which properly incorporates the distribution infor- mation into the similarity measurement of Web pages. Experimental results show that the method of this paper is efficient and flexible.