2007年5月,采集合肥野生动物园采集东方白鹳(Ciconia boyciana)及白鹤(Grus leucogeranus)的胸部廓羽、飞羽及尾羽样品共51枚,用气相色谱法分别检测其中的op'-DDT、pp'-DDD、pp'-DDE、pp'-DDT、α-六六六、β-六六六、γ-六六六、δ-六六六及六氯苯9种有机氯农药的残留量。检测结果发现,pp'-DDD、pp'-DDE、pp'-DDT、β-六六六、δ-六六六5种有机氯农药在东方白鹳和白鹤羽毛中都有不同程度的检出,其中pp'-DDD的残留量最高,在东方白鹳的廓羽、飞羽和尾羽中的平均残留量分别达到0.8936、0.8353和0.7516μg/g干重,在白鹤的廓羽、飞羽和尾羽中的平均残留量分别达到0.5685、0.5077和0.4657μg/g干重;pp’-DDD和pp’-DDT在两种鸟胸部廓羽、飞羽及尾羽间的残留量无显著差异;pp'-DDD在东方白鹳飞羽和尾羽中的残留量显著高于白鹤。
We collected 51 feather samples from the breasts, tails and wings of Oriental White Storks (Ciconia boyciana ) and Siberian White Cranes (Grus leucogeranus ) at Hefei Wild Animal Park in May, 2007. Environment-Determination of methylmercury-Gas chromatography was used to determine the residues of op'-DDT, pp'-DDD, pp'-DDE, pp'-DDT, α-BHC, β- BHC, γ- BHC, δ- BHC and Hexachlorobenzene. The results showed that pp'-DDD, pp'-DDE, pp'-DDT, β-BHC, δ-BHC were detected in feathers of both Oriental White Storks and Siberian White Cranes, in which pp'-DDD had the greatest proportion, and reached 0.8936, 0.8353 and 0.7516 μg/g (dry weight) respectively in the breast contour feathers, pluma and tail feathers of Oriental White Storks. The residues were 0.5685, 0.5077 and 0.4657 μg/g (dry weight) in the feathers of Siberian White Cranes. There was not a significant difference in the residues of pp'-DDD and pp'-DDT in the breast contour feathers, pluma and tail feathers between both birds, but residues of pp'-DDD in the breast contour feathers and tail feathers of the Oriental White Stork was significantly higher than that of the Siberian White Crane.