Contact erosion due to evaporation is the m ain cause fo r the contact perform ance de terioration andfa ilu re under sm all break current. M o lten pool heat transfer and flu id flo w phenom ena in copper contacts werecoupled w ith the gas dynam ics at various locations above the contact to determ ine the evaporation rate under stablearc. The three-dim en sional M H D m odel was set up fo r the m olten pool in the contact. The re la tionsh ip between theevaporation flu x and the surface tem perature o f the m olten pool was obtained w ith gas dynam ics m odel. Theevaporation rate un der stable arc was calcula ted based on the m olten pool surface tem perature d is trib u tio n and there la tionsh ip between the evaporation flu x and the tem perature.