根据海上丝绸之路沿线国家的国内生产总值(Gross Domestic Product,GDP)数据、工业增加值占GDP的比重及发达国家居民的穿戴品产地国别调查数据,初步识别制造业向海上丝绸之路沿线聚集的趋势。基于区位商和产品生命周期理论,对海上丝绸之路沿线20个国家进行分析,找出具有承接产业转移可能性的备选国,为我国制造业向海上丝绸之路沿线转移提供理论基础。借鉴我国港航物流业的发展经验,分析世界海运格局的现状与发展趋势,提出海上丝绸之路战略下能使我国与承接国双赢的港航物流业发展策略。
With the data from the countries along the maritime silk road, the GDPs, weights of industrial growth in GDP, and the survey on the origins of the wearing goods in three developed countries, the trends of accumulating manufacturing industries along the road are identified. Based on the theories of location quotient and product life cycle, 20 countries along the Road are investigated and those with potential to accept the manufacturing industries are identified, which provides a theoretical basis for moving the manufacturing industries from other areas to the countries along the Road. The future trends of port and ocean shipping are projected and some strategies for encouraging the shipping logistics industry and manufactur- ing industry in the context of 21st-century maritime silk road are proposed.