以采收后的高妻、佳利酿、田野红3个成熟葡萄品种为试材,采用外源喷施法研究了水杨酸(Salicylic acid,SA)对葡萄果皮白藜芦醇(Resveratrol,Res)含量的影响;采用裂区试验对比研究不同品种、不同紫外线种类、同一紫外线不同辐射剂量对葡萄果皮Res含量的影响。结果表明,100mg/L的SA喷施处理可以显著提高3个葡萄品种果皮中的Res含量.诱导田野红的Res合成的效果显著高于高妻和佳利酿。除UV—B处理对高妻果皮中Res含量无显著影响外。其他UV—B和UV—C处理均能导致采后3个品种的葡萄果皮中Res含量的显著增加,且UV—C对Res诱导积累效果极显著地优于UV—B。辐射剂量在0—3.6kJ/m^2范围内,3个葡萄品种果皮Res含量有随UV—B和UV—C辐射剂量的增加而增大趋势.但不同紫外线种类和辐射剂量对Res诱导积累效果因品种不同存在差异。
Effects of Salicylic acid (SA), Ultraviolet (UV-B and UV-C) on resveratrol (Res) inducement of the skin of harvested grape berries were studied with 3 grape cuhivars, Takatsuma, Tano Red and Carignane. Split plot design tests were adopted in contrasting the effects of UV-B and UV-C radiation on Res inducement of different cultivars. Results showed spraying 100 mg/L SA enhanced markedly Res contents in the skins of harvested berries. However, the effect of SA varied with the cuhivars and Res inducement by SA was more effective for Tano Red than Takatsuma and Carignane. UV-B or UV- C irradiation increased significantly Res contents in grape skin and UV-C was more effective than UV-B. The effect of UV types and dosages for Res inducement depended upon eultivars. In the range of 0 to 3.6 kJ/m^2, Res contents in the skin of 3 grape cuhivars enhanced along with the increase of dosages of UV-B and UV-C.