The helicity amplitudes for J/ψ→Λ■ and the relevant background decays are presented for measuring the ■ decay parameter α+(■→π+) in J/ψ→Λ■. The Monte Carlo (MC) simulations based on the helicity amplitudes information are carried out. The likelihood fit method to determine the ■ decay parameter is presented. Based on the MC generated sample, the sensitivity of the measurement for α+ has been estimated, which shows that the J/ψ→Λ■ channel can be used to measure the ■ decay parameter α+(■→π+) well.
The helicity amplitudes for Jψ→ ∧∧ and the relevant background decays are presented for measuring the ∧ decay parameter α +(∧ → pπ^+) in J/ψ→ ∧∧. The Monte Carlo (MC) simulations based on the helicity amplitudes information are carried out. The likelihood fit method to determine the .∧ decay parameter is presented. Based on the MC generated sample, the sensitivity of the measurement for α+ has been estimated, which shows that the J/ψ→ ∧∧ channel can be used to measure the .∧ decay parameter α+(∧ → pπ^+) well.