In this research, from the view of different age levels, adaptation of ecological immigrants in Ningxia was analyzed, Which is not only the innovation of theory but also can provide a basis for the implementation and development after the relevant immigration policy. Ecological migration was conducted better in Ningxia and developed well. Taking Xinrong, Yuanlong and Heshun Villages as the study areas, ages of immigrants were divid- ed into four levels: 18 -30 years old, 31 - 40 years old, 41 -55 years old and 55 years above . The research got following conclusions: firstly, life style and interpersonal adaptability were better, and age difference was small. Secondly, the economic adaptability was generally poor, age differences was bigger. The 18 -30 age levels of immigrants had better adaptability, adaptability of 31 - 40 age level of immigrants was moderate, adapta- bility of immigrants over the age of 41 were weaker.